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How much is BitTorrent (BTT) worth?

Market capitalization of BitTorrent (BTT) is $1,104,420,207 and is ranked #94 on CoinGecko today. Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of BTT tokens (970 Trillion tokens are tradable on the market today). What is the fully diluted valuation of BitTorrent (BTT)?

When did BitTorrent become a cryptocurrency?

Originally released in July 2001, BitTorrent was purchased by blockchain platform TRON in July 2018. Since its acquisition, BitTorrent has added various new tools, with a dedicated native cryptocurrency token, BTT, released in February 2019. BTT was launched on TRON’s own blockchain, using its TRC-10 standard.

What's happening with BitTorrent's BTT token?

BitTorrent's BTT token is issued on Tron, and continues to surge on the network's positive news. BTT is up as Tron, the network it is issued on, completed another TRX burn. BTT, the eponymous token of BitTorrent, the peer-to-peer filesharing platform owned by Tron, is up over 12% as the Tron network works through another burn of its TRX token.

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